FamilyMinistryPrayer Update

Prayer for Prodigals

Douglass Family

Dr. Steve Douglass and his wife Judy (above) lead the world wide ministry of Campus Crusade, but have a family too. They adopted their son Josh (at far left) after he had been in several foster homes. He had some “baggage”. Josh struggled to make good life choices, and Judy prayed continually for him as only a mother can. Now Josh is grown up and married, but Judy still prays for him. Recently she built a web site to enlist others to help pray. Then, she realized many people are facing the same issue of having a family member who needs lots of prayer. The web site has prayer requests for many people, but only their first names are used.

View the short video interview with Judy Douglass to learn more about the site or just click the image below to learn how you can participate in Prayer for Prodigals:
