MinistryPrayer Update

Why G.C. Will Be Fulfilled

Dr. Steve Douglass is President of Campus Crusade for Christ International.  He and his wife Judy live in Orlando.

Steve Douglass says he thinks it is totally possible that the Great Commission (G.C. is the short lingo) could be fulfilled in our lifetime.  This is the talk he just gave at our training eventPlease download and listen to it. The stories Dr. Douglass shared as examples are simply amazing!

Here are the main reasons why he believes it’s possible and why he acting in faith that it WILL happen:

Why the Great Commission WILL be Fulfilled:

Because . . .

  1. God intends to do it.
  2. God has commanded it.
  3. The Lord offers total power to accomplish it.
  4. He is moving today.
  5. His people are praying more.
  6. His people are planning more.
  7. ”  ” are more at one. (Unified)
  8. Oral methods are overcoming illiteracy.
  9. Scripture translation is expanding rapidly.
  10. Many other breakthroughs have occurred.