Cru Digital MinistryMinistry

Da Gospel thru Movies

Everyone watches movies.  Our culture loves them.

More often than not, movies tell a story that has some idea that is related to God, spirituality or topic that Jesus talked about.

Why not go to the movies with some friends who don’t know God and then discuss it with them afterwards?  You’d need to be prepared to ask some good questions – which is always key in transitioning a conversation to the gospel.

Global Short Film Network is an entire ministry dedicated to leveraging short films – less than 20 minutes, usually lower budget films, not 2 hour blockbuster movies – to fuel gospel centered conversations.  Visit their web site here and click on “Training” to see how to get started.  You can actually watch their training videos to see examples of how to use the films.

You can even download films from their web site to your iPhone or laptop for easy sharing.  Many students now share the films on their phone with friends.

Want to watch one of the films featured on Global Short Film Network?  Visit their home page and click play!