Cru Digital MinistryMinistry

Global Media Outreach

Click the map below to see a live, real time geo corrdinated map of evangelistic web site visitors from around the world.  See who is searching for Jesus right now.  Amazing:

Are you looking for a way to make an eternal difference for Christ? Wondering how you can help tell the world about Jesus? Global Media Outreach has several inspiring and exciting opportunities and hands-on activities to help you pass on your spiritual gifts and talents while learning how to use technology to spread the gospel.

Global Media Outreach offers you many different ways to help spread the Gospel by using one of our online widgets, sending a gospel email, linking to a gospel website and more.

Find out how your church can begin its own online missions program. Or, if you are looking for a way to share your faith, they provide the training and a safe, online environment. Just a little time online each week and you can share Jesus with the world.

I have been volunteering for GMO for about 3 years – responding to about 3 emails a week.  The emails come from visitors to evangelistic web sites all over the world.  Here is what my GMO inbox looked like earlier this week – this is a screen shot from an actual message I received.  Results like this have been typical for me at least 2x per month.