FamilyFinancial UpdateMinistryPrayer Update

How’s Toby Doing?

Great picture of Toby - if you can not see it, choose 'unblock images' / 'show pictures'

Several of you have asked about Toby. Where would we be without your prayers, incredible compassion and sharing with us during this season of life?  THANK YOU a thousand times for your kindness!

As you know, Toby was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in early June.  This was a surprise to us.  No one in our family has Type 1.  This disease is triggered genetically – there was nothing we should have or could have done to prevent it.  Basically it means Toby’s pancreas has stopped producing insulin – which allows your blood to change glucose into energy for your body.

It’s been an adjustment.  But the Lord’s grace has been beyond sufficient. This is a disease that’s very manageable by insulin injections – usually 2 or occasionally 3 daily.

photo: our world of needles and monitoring

378 = estimated number of shots Toby’s received since June 9th.

Yes, Shannon and I’ve learned to give shots.  And quickly. It is much better if you just do it fast and get it over with.  In the last couple of weeks he has grown a little more nervous when it’s injection time – especially when he’s in the middle of playing and has to be interrupted.

Holiday feasting and snacking also bring some slight challenges. Lots of cakes, cookies, chex mix, etc are around these days!  All of these Toby can eat, yet any food with carbohydrates must be folded into his total carb count for the day.  It’s really the carbs that we measure, not sugars.  As long as he doesn’t eat too many carbs all at once, we can work in a cookie or two at the right time. This means planning ahead.  And moderation.  Therefore it can be difficult for a 6yr old not being able to just grab sweets and inhale them on demand – especially when he sees other kids doing this very thing.

Pray that Toby will not grow frustrated, now or in his later years. Particularly his teen years.  Some parents have told us that their teen diabetic kids went through periods of resentment – ignoring their treatment schedule and ignoring dietary common sense.

Another prayer item: provision for increased monthly finances. Due to several factors, we need more monthly support.  Recurring gifts from folks like you who wish to partner in our ministry are our only source of income.  Here are the specifics of what we’re trusting the Lord for in finances.

We’re so grateful.  Truly we are.  We wouldn’t have tasted the level of goodness the Lord has given us without going through this season.  All this has given our ministry – a work of communicating the extreme goodness of God – a new level of importance.

Thanks for asking about Toby.  He’s doing great.  Jesus is so gracious.

Our son Toby, 6 yrs old; great picture - if you can not see it, choose 'unblock images' / 'show pictures'

See more:
Video:  What is Type 1 Diabetes to a 6 year old?

Current Financial Needs