
Avery begins Kindergarten via Homeschool

Hard to believe that Avery – our oldest daughter – is now 5 and ready for kindergarten.
Avery and the chalkboard
After much prayer, searching and many conversations with homeschooling parents, we decided to homeschool Avery – at least for this year. Then after we made the decision, we had a seemingly bigger decision of deciding which curriculum to use. Do a quick search online, and you’ll discover that there are not dozens, but hundreds of different homeschool curriculums to choose from. Can you say . . . “a liiiitle overwhelming!!” Most of them are Christian based curriculums, so that is good, but the choices within Christian homeschooling are vast.
Avery seems to be very excited about it, and we think it will best suit her learning style to be homeschooled – at least in the short run.

1. Please pray for Shannon – Avery’s primary teacher. It takes time to teach and just prepare the lessons (and games and crafts that go along with them). Time is short in a house w/ 3 kids. And ask the Father to give her insight into how to best present the material to Avery.

2. Ultimately, we desire for Avery to use her reading skills (she is already reading a little) to read and understand God’s Word. Pray that she will have a desire to read and listen to God’s Word early in life – and that she will have a desire to know Him more through the Bible.

Thank you! ~ David & Shannon