Financial UpdateOrlando MovePrayer Update

Columbus Day


“We’re called to do the work of God, but only God can do it. That’s why we pray. We’re called to do the impossible, but only God can do it. He’s got us again. . . If the Holy Spirit doesn’t do it, there’s nothing to it.” – Armin Gesswein*
from Everything by Prayer: Armin Gesswein’s Keys to Spirit-Filled Living by Fred Hartley III

*During the late 1940’s, little known Lutheran pastor Armin Gesswein started the dynamic prayer ministry that launched the Billy Graham evangelistic crusades in Los Angeles. He was a mentor and inspiration to many of the great Christian leaders of our generation, including Billy Graham and Dr. Bill Bright. Gesswein entered heaven in 2001.

Shannon and I have prayed and talked, and feel like the Lord wants us to trust Him to have everything we need to move to Orlando by October 9th. T-Minus 30 days and counting!

What does “everything” include?
A) New financial supporters. We still need a minimum of $900 monthly in commitments.
B) Our house in Mableton sold.

Only God can accomplish these things. As we think about it, since we have so little direct control over A or B, it almost sounds ridiculous to think all this could happen in less than four weeks.

We literally have no idea where the new supporters will come from. God will simply have to introduce us and bring into our lives those whom He has prepared to share in our ministry.

So, again: only God can accomplish these things! Amen?

That’s why we ask you to pray with us each day through October 9th. Please let us know if you are praying specifically in this way. Simply ask God to show up in a God way – beyond our feeble efforts and beyond human understanding. As the quote above suggests, asking for anything less is asking for trouble.