
Good New Year Reminder

This year I need to spend more time putting into practice what I’ve known in theory for quite a while: the practice of completely depending on God all day long for everything.

Galations 5 (and other Scripture) makes it clear that things of eternal value are accomplished only by the Holy Spirit through faith. History confirms this as well. Dr. Bill Bright is just one example. Before he passed away in 2003, Bill expressed again and again that this was probably the most essential lesson he had ever learned. Check out this interview with Bill Bright conducted only a few short weeks before he died.

The entire interview is very interesting. But, if you read nothing else, be sure to scroll down to the parts entitled “Confession and Spiritual Breathing” and “Holy Spirit Empowerment.”

How essential it is to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit as opposed to merely walking in the limited and corrupted abilities of our flesh!

Also see: Satisfied? A thoughtful presentation of the Spirit-filled life