
Southeast Regional Office

Campus Crusade’s Southeast Regional Office just relocated a couple of miles “down the street” to 120 Interstate North Parkway in Atlanta.

We needed more space as several new staff have joined the office. Praise the Lord for each of the 34 staff (an increase from 19) who are now on site!

The Work:
It took several weeks to break down, pack and move all of the phone and network equipment. The new location – an existing building in an office park – was stripped clean on the inside and then “built out” with new walls, doors, flooring, etc. to meet our needs.

We went the “do it yourself” route with a lot of the technical stuff.

David helped with the low-voltage wiring. Basically this meant stringing over a MILE of the little bitty blue cable you see here up and through the rafters! Can you say T – D – US !!

Bye-Bye Old Office!

Hello New Office! Hello 8ft. ladder for 10 hours a day for about 4 days straight!

Everyone from the office pitched in to help.

It was humbling to see how the Lord provided time, talent, money and tremendous servants hearts to make this all happen. Pictured here is Mike Goodwin, brother of Tom Goodwin, who flew down from Chicago at his own expense to help install the phone system. Mike is a office phone expert.

Steve Blevins, CCC Staff here in Atlanta, also volunteered massive amounts of time. Without his expertise, our wiring job would have quickly turned into a rats nest.

Do we have a dialtone here?? Kris Hodges and Mike Goodwin wait for the phone to ring. Success!

How many computers can you talk to at the same time?

David configures several office computers —>>

On a sad note, about 3 weeks after moving in, the office was burglarized! Yet, by God’s sovereignty, only 6 computers were taken. Nothing vandalized or broken. And, it looks like insurance will replace the 6 with newer ones! So, our loss is now our gain!