
Neighbor Removed

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Usually it’s a bad sign when law enforcement has to be called in to physically remove one of your neighbors. But in this case, it was a very good thing. In fact, I have no problem that they even used deadly force to take him down. I hope you’d say the same thing if your […]


Oh Gator Where Art Thou

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It’s well known that alligators inhabit many of the thousands upon thousands of lakes and ponds which speckle central Florida. They typically are not aggressive and keep their distance from humans. . . .Usually. Usually, that is until you ride your bicycle alongside a conservation area with some tall grass – perfect for hiding alligators. […]


6 Months in Orlando. How do we like it?

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May 16th marked the 6-month anniversary of the Hand Clan living in Orlando. The moving truck unloaded all our stuff on November 16th, 2006. And, after we finally installed some shelves in the garage and freed up enough floor space to actually park the vehicles, we’re happy to report that about 95% of the boxes […]