
Shannon Writes Something

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Hello from the Hand household! As most of you know, David is the best writer in our family (I usually stick to editing) and faithfully pens our monthly newsletter. However, this month I volunteered to give it a shot and share our family updates and prayer requests with you. I must admit that the past […]


What We Shared at Church

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A couple of Sundays ago, I gave a brief update on our move to Orlando at our church – Westside Baptist in Mableton – during the Sunday morning worship time. It was a quick 10 minute overview of why we’re moving and what we’ll be doing in Orlando at Campus Crusade’s International Headquarters. You can […]

Orlando Move

Ask, Seek and Knock

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“And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9 [Context of this passage: Jesus tells us to persist in asking Him because He always supplies good gifts. He promises that He is even much more faithful than […]

Financial Update


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Last month we wrote about the Lord’s leading us to move to Orlando to serve in the Global Technology Office. Since then we’ve fielded some questions about the move from a few of you so we wanted to send a quick recap of move details. This is all we know so far: ~ We’ll be […]