
The Power of Search

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Try the Search Box

We want it to be easy for you to find out info about our ministry and recent prayer updates.

Granted, there is a LOT of information even on our small (relatively) HandsHeadlines site here. It can be a little overwhelming – particularly when you’re looking for something particular or trying to find a page you visited a while back and you KNOW it’s there somewhere!

Take note that our site now has a search feature. The search box is located on the right sidebar underneath “Pages”. Try it out.

We’ve also organized posts on our site with topic headings. Look on the right sidebar under “Topics”. For example, click on “Orlando Move” to see the updates about our move.


Avery’s Birthday

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Avery's Birthday
Avery had a wonderful birthday weekend last weekend. She is now 7 – can you believe it?

After a surprise party with a couple of friends, she a couple of days camping and visiting Dollywood with her Papaw and Nana. Wow!

Avery's Birthday Here’s Avery with Addison and a couple of close friends – they were secretly hidden at our house waiting on Avery to return from a quick trip to the library which I “spontaneously” arranged for her. Surprise!

Cake Avery’s cake created by the best cake-baker and decorator, party organizer, creative assistant, teacher, accountant, band-aid administrator, laundry expert, mom and wife the world has ever known!


Cow Appreciation Day

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With a few trash bags, poster board and black magic markers, the kids and I created some homemade cow attire for our family to join in Chick-fil-a‘s National Cow Appreciation Day!  It took a little convincing to get the “bull” of the family to participate.  :)  But with the promise of free food, David agreed to don his “Eat Mor Chikin” sign and go along with us. You can read more about it at’s Press Room (Cow Clad Customers Receive Free Food article):

Here’s the photo evidence…

Cow photo


Moving Update: Not There Yet

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We’d like to be moving to Orlando soon, but have not yet reached our minimum financial partnership goal to make this possible.

Our plans were to be moving in June/July, but the Lord has the best plan in mind.  It has been said, “Man plans and God laughs.”

Q:  “When do you think you’ll be moving?”
A: We’re realizing that what we think and expect is always subject to God’s timing.  Our desire was to be moving by June/July, but that won’t be possible.  We pray the Lord will provide the remaining support we need by August.

Q:  “Are you still waiting on your house to sell?”
A: Yes.  It’s still on the market.  We are regularly having several “looks” and calls, but so far no offers.  We aren’t too anxious about it at this point because if the house sells tomorrow then we are still not able to move to Orlando until the needed financial partnership is provided.

Move to Orlando MapQ: “When do you start your new assignment in Orlando?”
A:  As soon as the Lord provides the new financial partnership needed, we sell our house and can pack up everything here.  Our new assignment is technically on hold until then.  All of our leaders with Campus Crusade in Orlando are very committed to seeing our financial support at a strong level before we move.

As of today, we’ve seen some good progress in finding new financial partners to support us regularly, yet we still have a long way to go!  This map is an illustration of how far we have yet to travel – in terms of needed monthly financial commitments – before we are able to move to Orlando, FL.

(For those of you who like to do the math:  Orlando is about 450 miles from Atlanta; We’ve seen the Lord provide about $510 out of the needed $2400/month in additional support; . . . so the corresponding ratio yields 95 miles traveled out of the total 450!)