
Fall Family Snapshots

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Well, today is Thanksgiving and we are finally getting around to posting some pictures from September through yesterday.

Perhaps at this rate we’ll have Thanksgiving photos posted by Christmas!

For other kids pictures this year, check out :
Fun Family Pics
Miss Andrea’s Wedding

. . .Enjoy!

Sept 29: Ready to blow some leaves?

October 8:

Getting ready for a bike ride on the Silver Comet Trail near our house.

Go Hokies!!

October 31:

Avery, Toby and Addison decked out for our church’s Fall Festival, which they loved. If you don’t recognize them, they are Snow White, Freddy Fireman and Sleeping Beauty.

November 23:

Oooooh, Aahhhhh, Christmas Shopping!!
Can you believe all three woud stay this still in a store?? Guess what’s playing on the video monitor above my head? It’s the Veggie Tales!


Southeast Regional Office

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Campus Crusade’s Southeast Regional Office just relocated a couple of miles “down the street” to 120 Interstate North Parkway in Atlanta.

We needed more space as several new staff have joined the office. Praise the Lord for each of the 34 staff (an increase from 19) who are now on site!

The Work:
It took several weeks to break down, pack and move all of the phone and network equipment. The new location – an existing building in an office park – was stripped clean on the inside and then “built out” with new walls, doors, flooring, etc. to meet our needs.

We went the “do it yourself” route with a lot of the technical stuff.

David helped with the low-voltage wiring. Basically this meant stringing over a MILE of the little bitty blue cable you see here up and through the rafters! Can you say T – D – US !!

Bye-Bye Old Office!

Hello New Office! Hello 8ft. ladder for 10 hours a day for about 4 days straight!

Everyone from the office pitched in to help.

It was humbling to see how the Lord provided time, talent, money and tremendous servants hearts to make this all happen. Pictured here is Mike Goodwin, brother of Tom Goodwin, who flew down from Chicago at his own expense to help install the phone system. Mike is a office phone expert.

Steve Blevins, CCC Staff here in Atlanta, also volunteered massive amounts of time. Without his expertise, our wiring job would have quickly turned into a rats nest.

Do we have a dialtone here?? Kris Hodges and Mike Goodwin wait for the phone to ring. Success!

How many computers can you talk to at the same time?

David configures several office computers —>>

On a sad note, about 3 weeks after moving in, the office was burglarized! Yet, by God’s sovereignty, only 6 computers were taken. Nothing vandalized or broken. And, it looks like insurance will replace the 6 with newer ones! So, our loss is now our gain!

Orlando Move

So, How Do You Really Feel About It?

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Sorry for the long post, but this is the full scoop – kind of a chronicle of our thoughts and prayers -about moving to Orlando.

It did not even seem possible:

“God, You want us to live in Orlando?. . . .Florida? You want us to leave behind a wonderful place and a thriving ministry? Leave people and a place we love for a place where we hardly have any friends and a land that just doesn’t seem like home? Move even farther away from an already more-than-a-day trip visit to family and relatives? Move our kids now that we have finally started school?”
“. . .Lord, let’s be serious here, Orlando is definitely a nice place. . .to visit! It’s fine for vacations but I certainly don’t want to LIVE there! It’s too flat, too hot, and they get hit by hurricanes every other month!”
“. . .And, it’s not even the South, Lord! It’ll be like moving to a foreign country! Most people who live there have migrated south from places like Michigan, WisCANson or PITTSburg. They have funnier accents than we do!”
“. . . And, we’ve made good relationships with our neighbors here – several of whom don’t know You or are struggling to know You. Who will be here to talk with them about You if we leave?”

My pleading with God continued. I wrestled with Him over these questions again and again. Yet, the more I wrestled, the more I sensed that in order to “win” the wrestling match I needed to LISTEN to Him more than I needed to clearly articulate my own case to Him. As if He did not already know all of my arguments for staying in Atlanta.
“What, Lord? Oh, You want to remind me of some important things? Yes. . .well, I’ll listen. I need to be reminded, I suppose.”

It’s all about God, not about us.
Translation: Life in this world is not primarily about what we can do for God (as if He needed anything) but more about Him showing up and being the center of attention. Therefore, everything we do – including where we live and how we serve Him – should be subject to a central focus on Him. Neither home nor nice neighborhood nor thriving ministry nor friends – even close friends and family – should surpass our pursuit of making Christ the absolute, joyful, dominant center of everything. In fact, when He takes His rightful place as the center of our lives, then HE IS our home, our family, our friends, our ministry, and our delightful neighborhood. Our citizenship is indeed IN HIM. (Philippians 3:20)
See more on a related idea from one of our previous posts

God promises to give us the fulfillment of our deepest desires.

“Delight Yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

Often I think that following the Lord is all about subverting what I really want and desire for something that He wants – which is totally undesirable.
Wrong! . . . .So wrong! My misconceptions are:
A) I give my life to God and He makes me do everything I abhor.
B) He wants us to move to Orlando so we will find less satisfaction in life, not more.
Even as I write these words above I see how diametrically opposed they are to the truth.
Who says that God is all about making me do things that are opposite of what I desire and opposite of what I enjoy?
Why is it that I presume that God is so dull and boring and ANTI-joy? Because of my misconceptions, don’t I fear that He will send me to deep, dark corners of Africa (or Florida) to labor fruitlessly and live in pain?

To get to the point here:
I think these things because that’s EXACTLY how the Evil One wants me to think! These are all lies and have been crafted and “fed” to me very well over time.
What’s the truth, then? Jesus told the woman at the well:
“Everyone who drinks of this water (speaking of the physical well) will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I give him (speaking of the spiritual Water of Life) will never thirst.”
Jesus is all about quenching our thirst – our desires, our longing to be satisfied and fulfilled. He’s all about quenching our quest to be content and full of life – full to the brim with joy and enjoyment of life. Our thirst is quenched completely in a relationship with Him.
Yet the problem is that we often choose to quench our thirst with the physical well – the temporal satisfaction of life; man-made enjoyments, man-made comforts, man-made communities and dwelling places, even man-made ministry.
Sometimes we THINK we are satisfied by all these man-made things but then we realize that we’re missing out on true satisfaction. At the heart of these temporal satisfactions is always me, me, me and more, more, more. The focus is always on me and yet I never am satisfied until I get to the NEXT thing in life that promises me more.
When I focus on Christ and see Him for Who He really Is, I am satisfied. I see that HE IS more. Only then can I truly delight myself in the Lord. The backside of that verse happens so naturally when I am truly delighted in the Lord: He will give me the desires of my heart. My desires become His desires when I focus on Him.

Now, this has direct significance on God’s calling us to live in Orlando:
It means that He promises that we will find MORE satisfaction, not less. Again, we won’t find the satisfaction IN Orlando as a place or IN a house or job. The satisfaction and delight will be IN HIM and watching Him work.
Also, it means that life in Orlando will be a joy even if life there is harder or more difficult. Whether or not we find a nice home to live in and find good friends (and these things are not promised to us), the Lord does promise to be our delight!
Only when we walk in faith – trusting in Him, not His blessings – will we find “the better life” – ultimate satisfaction in life.

Not that there isn’t true sadness over leaving behind things that are dear: friends, church home, beautiful and familiar running trails, fun family memories, etc. The people and memories God has put in our lives – He Himself gave us the joy of experiencing these people and this place. So, yes, there is genuine sadness.
Yet, if God has provided all these joys in the past as we moved to Atlanta by faith, why wouldn’t He provide them in even more abundance in the future? Moreover, if God has provided a beautiful eternal home with Him and joys indescribable from being face to face with Him, why would He fail to do the lesser here on earth?
So, as surely as all of the above is true, we’re sure that moving to Orlando is better than staying here. If God has directed us to move there, then following Him will be, by far, the best option.

~ David & Shannon

Orlando Move

We’re Moving to Orlando

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Say What? . . .Move to Orlando?
Perhaps you’ve heard our big news already or perhaps you’re asking the same question we asked ourselves after first coming to grips with this fact: We’ve sensed the Lord directing us to take on a new position within Campus Crusade for Christ. This opportunity involves moving to Orlando, Florida where Campus Crusade’s International Headquarters is located.
We actually said “NO” to the opportunity initially. It was a really big, difficult decision for us. You can read how the Lord worked (and still is working) in our hearts at this blog post: So How Do You Really Feel About It?
Sometime in 2006. We’re not sure exactly when, because there’s a lot that has to happen before then.
We want to use technology for the glory of God. Over the last several years, we’ve been involved in developing several technology-based tools in reaching college students for Christ. It’s been a lot of fun and it’s been highly efficient in connecting people with God. The bottom line is: we want to be most effective in a role where increasingly more people are reached with the Good News.To Do What?

David will be joining the Global Technology Office and serving Keith Seabourn, Campus Crusade’s Chief Technology Officer. Keith and his team are responsible for creating digital strategies to help connect people with the power of the gospel.

Here are some Key Prayer Requests:
BUT FIRST, what has to happen before we move?
~ See the Lord provide a good bit of new financial support.
~ Sell our house here.
~ Find a place to live in a very expensive and fast-growing market in Orlando.

By His Grace and Through Your Support,
~ David & Shannon + Avery, Addison & Toby
The Hands
514 Benson Hurst Drive
Mableton, GA 30126

Please make checks payable to “Campus Crusade for Christ” and mail to:

Campus Crusade Contributions
Account # 0438803
100 Lake Hart Drive
Orlando FL 32832

Online Contributions:

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Click here for the homepage of our website, Hands Headlines. com