
Danny McKinney – A Tribute

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Transitions are never easy. This one won’t be easy for Danny and Christy, nor for us. Especially not for me.

Although several staff members have had a profound “shaping” experience on my spiritual development, I can not think of a guy on staff who has had a more direct, personal influence on me than Danny. Perhaps I have benefited from his influence more than any other staff member for such an extended period of time.

I’m extremely grateful for his leadership, friendship and encouragement to me in ministry over the last 12 years.

When I was a student at Georgia Tech, Danny arrived on campus with his cowboy boots, Mississippi license plate and his immutable mustache! His simple, country-style presence was slightly out of place in Tech’s urbanized environment yet hardly a student did not welcome his very polite, upbeat, faith-filled yet perhaps slightly naïve (in a good way) attitude. He made his home in a dilapidated 1930s era house called the “Mansion” which had been rented out to students for years. (It was later demolished as Danny will recall with relish as Georgia Tech gave the old campus a facelift in preparation to host the 1996 Olympics.)

Danny lived with four Tech students and had a dramatic influence on them. Several of them went from being marginally involved with Crusade to finding themselves serving as student summer project directors and new staff members within just a couple of years. I know for a fact that all of his former housemates now live with a life-long view of discipleship.

Later, as a new staff member myself at Georgia Tech, I had the privilege to live with Danny. Our living conditions weren’t much improved over the Mansion. At least we had central heat and air (unlike the Mansion), but our bachelor house décor included little more than ratty-looking donated couches and plastic dinnerware. Ah, but that did not stop us from seeing good times roll there! Although his work ethic was unparalleled – often Danny would wake and leave the house before 7am even on the weekends – he had a love for “hang-out” time and also for practical jokes.

Most people who know Danny will attest to the fact that he is never afraid to think outside the box or to dream big with ministry plans. Danny has shared with us several times the story of how God gave him the vision to trust Him for a city-wide ministry in Atlanta. Keep in mind that this was sometime in the early 90’s – a couple of years before the concepts of Catalytic were mainstreamed or even viewed as mildly popular amongst staff. Danny says that one day as he was driving down the interstate in the heart of Atlanta, looking at the skyline, it was almost as if God said, “I know this is a big city, but there are students all across this landscape who are waiting to hear. . .and I want to reach them!”

From that point on Danny pursued this vision and began to operate on a whole different level. Knowing that he could not accomplish a city-wide strategy alone, his early steps were to develop the right people to work directly or indirectly in accomplishing very broad strokes of ministry. Sometimes his methods were unconventional, yet he practiced a deep love for people and developing his staff on a high level.

When I married Shannon in 1996, I left the then newly-formed Atlanta Metro Team to join the ministry at NC State where Shannon had served already for two years. In 1998, we felt the Lord leading us to return to Atlanta and serve under Danny’s leadership together. It’s not too common these days that campus staff get to move to a different region – in my case twice. Yet, Danny kept the door wide open for us to come back and join the team in Atlanta. If it weren’t for him, then I doubt we would have been allowed that rare freedom.

On the Metro Team in Atlanta, Danny encouraged students and staff to pioneer technology-based strategies for reaching students with the gospel. His entrepreneural approach helped spark and develop several passions I currently have in the world of ministry and technology – specifically

When he makes mistakes, Danny’s actions reflects humility and teachability. His integrity is a hallmark character trait.

I know all this makes it sound like Danny on this high untouchable leadership plateau, and that he has few if any faults. He would be the first to admit otherwise. And I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me admitting a few for him, too: J

  • Danny can’t spell worth a flip. He thanks the Lord everyday for his Microsoft Word spellcheck – it has saved his can on several occasions when typing an important email.
  • His grammar ain’t that good either (hey who am I to talk?).
  • When faced with situations where he has to spend extra money to repair something or accomplish a task he could do on his own, Danny usually would rather eat asphalt than pay someone to do it.
  • He’s a spendthrift ( a nice word for tightwad! ) and he can be hardheaded, too.
  • Often Danny thinks out loud. . .and he mumbles when he does. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Christy, I don’t see how you put up with this!

I didn’t want this to end up sounding like a eulogy, so I will end on the lighter notes. But in all seriousness, Danny, thank you so much for your labor and friendship! Where would I be without you? The Lord has used you to leave a legacy through your ministry with Campus Crusade. I speak for many when I say, “we’re deeply blessed because of you.”

May God continue to richly bless your family, peers, associates at Camp Highland and the camp kids through your life.

~ David Hand


October 26, 2004 Prayer Letter

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>> The Hands

514 Benson Hurst Drive

Mableton, GA 30126


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October 26, 2004 Newsletter :
I (David) spent my first year with Campus Crusade in eastern Europe – in Czechoslovakia, trying to reach out to English-speaking university students there. A good percentage of students there – perhaps a little over half – speak English, and one student named Tomas had particularly good English skills. Tomas and I became friends over that year. Yet, Tomas remained an atheist. He would always come to all the meetings and most of the small group Bible studies we had – even as an atheist – and he would always leave our meetings saying something like, “You still haven’t convinced to believe in God.”

That was in 1992. Communism had fallen in Czechoslovakia at the end of 1989, so Tomas had gone through most of his academic life being taught that there is no God.

The day before I left Czechoslovakia after having been there a year, Tomas came to me and said, “you know, I would like to stay in touch with you when you go back to America but I also want you to know that I think I will never become a Christian.” I told him that I would pray for him anyway and would still keep in touch.

Tomas and his family in Slovakia, 2002

Tomas and his family in Slovakia, 2002

Over the next few years, Shannon and I had the privilege to help send several teams of Campus Crusade staff and students back to Slovakia. And we would always tell them to go and visit Tomas. And they did! Year after year he got to hear the gospel. After a couple of years, one team came back after a summer trip and said that they had given Tomas a Bible and that he had started to read it. Then, about a year after that, another team came back and reported, “Guess what!? God broke through to Tomas. He prayed to receive Christ with us!” We, of course, were overjoyed but I asked, “What was it that caused him to believe? He always would say he wasn’t convinced.”

The team said, “he just told us one day that the stories about Jesus in the Bible all just seemed to really connect with him. Tomas just stopped and thought: If all these things are true, then the real question for me is: is God trustworthy? And Tomas said that, over time, God had convinced him that the answer was ‘Yes.’”

The best part of this story is that, today, Tomas is now a staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ in his country. He is being much more effective in doing what we had only prayed to do: reach students who, like Tomas, have so many doubts about God. Just about six months ago, we got a letter from Tomas including a picture of a young man named Juraj (Yur – Eye). It’s exciting to see how the gospel can change one person and then so quickly spread to hundreds of others.

Juraj (pronounced Yur-Eye) has very cool story

Juraj (pronounced Yur-Eye)

Here’s Juraj’s Story:

“In my family, Christian traditions have always been very important. However, I never understood their true meaning. I went to church regularly but my idea of God was very vague and false. I always tried to live a good and morally perfect life. I was sure that soon I will be able to overcome the shortcomings I had. But the opposite was happening. I kept finding new and new faults and negative traits in myself, and in spite of all my honest and great effort I was not able to deal with them.

As a college student, I went to an English language camp one summer to improve my language skills. This camp was organized by Campus Crusade for Christ. I met many people there who were much closer to my unreachable ideal of a “good life” than I was ever able to get to. I didn’t understand why it was so. They said they were Christians and they had a personal relationship with Jesus. I didn’t understand that either.

“Why, I am a Christian as well, and I go to church and believe in God just like they do,” I kept saying to myself. This experience was so strong that two years later I decided to go to another English camp. The same thing happened again but this time I was intent on finding out what I was missing, what I had to do to become like them. I found answers to my questions and shortly after I returned home from this camp I trusted Jesus as my Savior and gave my life to Him.

Four years have passed since then. Many things have happened in my life and the Lord has led me through many paths. However, one thing has radically changed. I realized that I am sinful and that I will have to deal with temptations and failures all my life. But thanks to Jesus I have been cleansed of all my sin. I can stand before my Creator as His child, clean and flawless. I still desire to be better but I know that the path of sanctification does not lead through my own efforts but through my trust in God and fulfilling His will in my life.

During the first few years after my salvation, my spiritual growth was closely connected with the ministry of Campus Crusade. Here I learned to take my first steps with the Lord and how to grow in my faith. After graduating from college I returned to my home town. I found a new spiritual home in a small evangelical church planted not long ago. The Lord led me to this place where I can not only receive and grow but also minister and be a blessing to others. Currently I am actively involved in youth work in my church and my town. It is my desire that many of these young people may get to know and receive a similar undeserved grace that I received and that those who already know the Truth may further grow and be involved in proclaiming the Kingdom of God.”

God was faithful to change Tomas. Tomas then helped reach Juraj. Now Juraj is influencing dozens of youth with the gospel!

The gospel changes lives and it is a message worth communicating well. Thank you for your support!


>> The Hands

514 Benson Hurst Drive

Mableton, GA 30126


>> Contributions:

Please make checks payable to “Campus Crusade for Christ” and mail


Account # 0438803

100 Lake Hart Drive

Orlando FL 32832

Online Contributions:

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1. Consistency in the Word. Pray for Shannon and I find those cherished “niches” of time to steal away with God. We are just as subject to a hectic crazy world as anyone. With Toby still getting used to “wake up at dawn” time, we don’t always have opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the morning. Ask the Father to smooth out all of our schedules and that He would really meet us when we open His Word. Pray for His joy to be full in us.

2. Neighborhood Bible Study. Shannon is helping to lead a Beth Moore study for some women in our neighborhood – Jesus, the One and Only.
It’s being hosted by a good friend, Karen Daniell, another woman in our neighborhood. Just the fact that this has gotten off the ground is an answer to prayer, but continue to pray for life change through the study.

3. Growth and Expansion. Pray for David as he trusts God for the future direction of StorySpot. It seems that the Lord would have it grow to impact many people for Christ. Yet, in order for it to grow, more manpower resources and finances are needed. Developing these resources takes precious time. Pray that God would make His direction clear and that David would not lose heart.