FamilyMinistryPrayer Update

Thoughts on Virginia Tech Tragedy

So many mixed emotions were evoked as I watched and heard of the tragic events which unfolded at the campus of Virginia Tech yesterday.  It’s difficult to comprehend the magnitude of what occurred as many students lost their lives and many others were wounded.  Not to mention the emotional damage inflicted on so many more. 

As a graduate of VT, I still feel a deep connection to the campus community there even though it’s been several years since I actually sat in Calculus class in Norris Hall (the academic building in which most of the shootings occurred.)  It’s hard to believe the pictures captured on the news cameras could possibly be real such a somber and sad place in contrast to memories I have of crossing the drill field on a beautiful spring day.

As we watched Night Line reporters interviewing students last night in West Ambler Johnston Residence Hall, I was reminded of something else:  the unique culture of dorm life and how the Lord can use that for His glory.  Seeing the students gathered together in the halls and in their rooms, I felt moved to pray for the Christian students on campus to pray that they will depend on their relationship with Jesus to get them through this difficult time.  And to pray that the students who know Christ will share the hope they have, even in the midst of such tragedy, with those who don’t know the Lord.  My prayer is that God will use this terrible, terrible situation for good that many students at VT will come into a relationship with Him as they consider the frailty of life here.

David & I still keep in contact with some of the Campus Crusade for Christ staff at Virginia Tech.

Thank you for joining me in praying for our staff, students and the campus community at Virginia Tech.