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OK, I’m on Facebook

Are You??

About a year and a half ago, opened up their registration system to allow anyone to create an account. (It was previously limited only to full time university students)

Well, I tried it out and since then I’ve been amazed at how easy it is to find friends – past and new. Many people now use it as their online “homepage” and as a place to keep updated. It is becoming a very convenient place for many people to collate their online presence.

Are the benefits of the site merely social? Technically, the jury may still be out, but if you ask me, the answer is “no.” Facebook is structured to leverage personal communication in a very powerful way. The results enable ministry and capacity for ministry on a whole new level. Read more about what Campus Crusade is learning about Facebook and its uses in our previous post.

In the meantime, look me up on Facebook! Anyone can join.