
Pelham: A Special Place

Our first stop was David’s hometown: the metropolis of Pelham, GA. 4,100 people, 3 traffic lights. The town is not without distinction, however. Once upon a time, Pelham was home to the world’s largest rural department store: The Hand Trading Company. The store was built by David’s great grandfather in 1914. You could buy everything from groceries to tractors to coffins to ice cream sundaes! The store closed in 1982 but the building still remains. Check out more info on Pelham’s web site or this entry on wikipedia.

As the welcome sign below says, Pelham really is a special town. The people really look out for one another. Strangers don’t stay strangers for long. There’s definitely a slower, “I’ve got time for you” feel from the citizens. It is one of those places where the small town atmosphere is authentic and unique.


David’s parents still live there, and had a great time with their grandkids.

Hands w/ grandkids