MinistryPrayer Update

Update on Mrs. Bright

Vonette Bright
Shannon and I have mentioned before that we’re deeply impressed by the loving relationship Bill and Vonette Bright shared together.  Her husband Bill went to be with the Lord in 2003, but Vonette (now in her early eighties) continues to be vibrant and active in the Lord’s work.

Take a look at Mrs. Bright’s “quick facts” and see how she has been at the core of Campus Crusade’s growth and development since day one.  She lives here in Orlando.

In early July she did take a fall which has slowed her down a little.  She broke her right ankle in 3 places. Mrs. Bright is receiving both occupational and physical therapy and doing well. The doctor gave her a good report on her last visit to his office. We do not know when she will be able to go home, but hopefully soon.

In spite of having to disappoint staff and others by cancelling travel and speaking engagements, her spirits are good. Please do lift her up in prayer.

Below is a message from Mrs. Bright which she sent out to staff just a couple of weeks ago:

(We have edited the message from the original text for brevity)

Dear Staff and Friends,

I learned long ago that nothing happens by accident and when we trust God and know our lives are in his hands, we can rejoice in knowing that He is in control. Like Bill, my husband did, I am rejoicing in the midst of pain and disappointment and I am seeking to learn all that I can from our wonderful Lord and make the very most of this opportunity. The great joy that has come to me from all of your expressions of love through e-mails, cards, flowers and numerous other ways thrills my heart to overflowing. I feel so blessed by your love and want to thank each of you for every expression you have made.

Yes, I am being a good patient! It is not easy to sit still and not be able to do anything. One of the greatest lessons I have learned is that God is sufficient for every need. I have trusted him for strength in times of overwhelming responsibilities, feelings of inadequacy and over-commitment. His strength has always been available. Now I am finding out His strength is still available to be still and know that He is God.

You will be pleased to know that the ambulance attendant on the way to the hospital in Tulsa responded positively as I had a chance to share my faith with him. If he was not sure of his salvation before, I believe he is now. A couple of days ago one of the women in my rehab group prayed with me to receive Christ. God had put her so much on my heart as I watched her depressed countenance for several days and saw her struggling through therapy. She has lost both lower legs as a result of diabetes. As she shared her story with me, I asked her if she had faith and her answer was, no, not really. I asked if we might get together and she responded positively. As we met a couple of days later she was so open. Now I ask you to pray for a new sister that she will find God sufficient for her every need. I rejoice at every smile I see in her face and look forward to seeing greater reality of evidence of Christ in her life.

Please continue to pray that I will be an instrument of God in this place and many people will be brought into a closer relationship with Him. I covet your prayers for complete recovery.  In the meantime, I have the most colorful cast with purple, bright yellow and striking colors. It has been fun to see people’s reactions. I always explain my 11-year old granddaughter chose the colors.  It is interesting that in the midst of pain and disappointment, God always gives a delightful, lighter side. Thank you for being so faithful in loving me.


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